Potty Time with Bean
Potty Time with Bean
Make potty training fun and encouraging with this interactive playset featuring Bean, a cuddly and loveable friend, who helps little ones learn essential potty-training skills through role-play!

Let's Play Together
Inspire Learning at Playtime

Potty Play
Encourage little ones to use Bean, the visual chart, and the stickers to act out potty time scenarios ("Yummy banana! Uh-oh, gotta go!").

Let's Stay Clean
Use the toilet paper and soap to practice hygiene routines, teaching little ones to wipe front to back and to wash hands thoroughly for 20 seconds, then rinse and dry.

What's Next?
Point to a picture on the chart and talk about what it shows and what comes next ("Pull down your pants and underwear. Sit down on the potty. Pee or poop - or both!"). Inspire learning with these play ideas!
Build Skills Through Play!
Life Skills
Practicing potty time routines with Bean can help little ones prepare for their own real-life potty training.
Potty training involves both gross motor skills (squatting, balancing) and fine motor skills (wiping).
During potty training, little ones are learning words for body parts and how to talk about functions (“I need to go…”).